I have a long term project of providing web pages on the Malvaceae (Mallow) family of plants. As a side line, I am also providing galleries of plants in the related families Bixaceae, Cistaceae, Cochlospermaceae and Thymelaeaceae. Other families in the order Malvales - Sphaerosepalaceae, Tepuianthaceae, Muntingiaceae, Sarcolaenaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Neuradaceae and Diegodendraceae - are omitted as they are composed of tropical species which I do not have the opportunity to photograph.
Contribute to Cistaceae Gallery
'Rhodanthe Carneum' (17 Feb 2005)
Cistus ×cyprius (27 Jan
Helianthemum 'Ben
Heckla' (27 Jan 2005)
Cistus ×obtusifolius
'Thrive' (19 Oct 2004)
Cistus ×stenophyllus
(19 Oct 2004)
Cistus Gallery
×Halimiocistus Gallery
Halimium Gallery
Helianthemum Gallery
If you have any photographs which you are able and willing to contribute please contact me at botany@malvaceae.info. For reasons related to disc space, bandwidth and neatness, I would wish permission to trim, reduce and otherwise modify images for use within this gallery, though potential contributors would be given a veto over any changes. Contributors will retain copyright, which will be acknowledged.
© 2004 Stewart Robert Hinsley