Malvaceae Info (Home)
A subset of the bibliography of the family Malvaceae is presented under the categories of Books, Floras and Checklists, Journal Articles and Theses. Some of theis material is available online, and URLs are provided while known.
Although approaching 2000 entries are included, this is but a small part of the available literature; the material on cotton agronomy and genetics alone may exceed this several-fold. To search for material not included in this directory refer to Google Scholar, or to scientific journal databases such as the Kew Bibliographic Database, PubMed and Scirus. Refer to IPNI for citations of publication of botanical names.
Much old botanical literature is becoming available on the WorldWideWeb. The major sites are Google Books, Botanicus (at Missouri Botanic Garden) and Gallica (at Bibliothèque Nationale de France),
Material from scientific journals is also becoming available, but much of this is only available on a subscription basis.
Sites providing access on a subscription basis include JSTOR, and the sites of a number of commercial publishers.
A number of journals make some or all of their content available online. The open access publishers Public Library of Science and BioMed Central make the great majority of their material available. Many other journals make the more recent parts of their archives available, but often excluding the most recent material. Such journals include the organs of professional societies such as the American Journal of Botany, the Journal of Cotton Science, etc., and the house journals of university departments and other research institutions, such as Acta Botánica Mexicana, Interciencia, Sida, the Thai Forest Bulletin, etc.
Apart from printed floras, some of which are also available online, there are a few floras (e.g. the Western Australian Florabase) which are only available online, and numerous online checklists
© 2007 Stewart Robert Hinsley