Notes on Fossil Plants
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A single carpel from the Pliocene of Tegelen, is assigned to
Althaea, under the name Althaea crassicarpa Reid & Reid.
A leaf from the Lower Oligocene of Ethiopia is assigned to
Cola [1].
Craigia is a living genus with one or
two (the 2nd may be extinct) species in southern China. It was common in the
Tertiary of western North America, Europe and Asia.
The European Craigia bronnii is known from flowers,
fruits and pollen. The fruits were previously known as Pteleaecarpum
bronnii, Pteleaecarpum europaeum, Ulmus bronnii Unger, and
Ulmus europaea Bronn, and the flowers as Tilia gieskei. Leaves
referred to Dombeyopsis lobata Unger may also belong to this species.
Craigia bronnii is known from the Miocene of Greece, the Miocene and
Oligocene of Germany, and the Oligocene of Hungary and the Czech Republic. [3]
Leaves assignable to Dombeyopsis lobata have also been
placed in Dombeyopsis grandifolia Unger, Dombeyopsis sidaefolia
Unger, Dombeyopsis tiliaefolia (A. Braun) Unger, Ficus
dombeyopsis Unger, Ficus tiliaefolia (A. Braun) Heer, Cecropia
europaea Ettingshausen, Cecropia heerii Ettingshausen and
Sterculia dombeyopsis (Unger) Schimper [3].
Craigia oregonensis is recorded from the Lower Oligocene
of Oregon, the Oligocene of Idaho, the Upper Eocene of Kazakhstan. The fruits
were previously known as Pteleaecarpum oregonense.
Craigia hainanensis is recorded from the Eocene
(Changchang Fm) of Hainan.
Additionally Craigia is recorded from the Palaeocene of
western Kamchatka and southern Sakhalin, the Middle Eocene of Jilin
(Manchuria), the Eocene Green River Fm of the Rocky Mountain region, the Late
Eocene or early Oligocene of Spitzbergen, and the Late Miocene of Sikhote-Alin
Fossil partial fruits of Craigia have been misattributed
to Tripterygium (Celastraceae) and fossil fruit valves to Ulmus
(Ulmaceae) [2] and Koelreuteria
Florissantia is an extinct malvaceous genus found in
Eocene and Oligocene deposits in western North America, from Colorado to
British Colunbia, to which is given the vernacular name of stone rose. Flowers,
fruits and pollen are all found. Fossils of Florissantia were formerly
placed in Porana (Convolvulaceae) and Holmskioldia (Verbenaceae).
It is also found in the Miocene of Asia.
Four species are recognised; Florissantia speirii
(Lesquereux) Manchester from the Oligocene of Oregon, Florissantia
quilchenensis (Mathewes & Brooke) Manchester from the Middle Eocene of
British Columbia and Washington, Florissantia ashwillii Manchester from
the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene of Oregon, on the basis of differences in
perianth and anther morphology, and Florissantia sikhote-alinensis
(Krysh.) Manchester, from the Miocene of the Sikhote-Alin in the Soviet Far
A wood specimen with the characteristics of Reevesia was
described as the new species Reevesia japonoxyla by Terada amd Suzuki.
Fossil fruits of Reevesia are reported from the Lower
Miocene of Bohemia, together with associated seeds (Saportaspermum) and
foliage ("Ficus" truncata). Fossil fruits of Reevesia from
the Upper Miocene of Poland are assigned to the species Reevesia
Saportaspermum occidentalis is found in the Oligocene of
Oregon. I don't know whether this represents a Reevesia or some other
The generic name Sezanella was introduced for flowers
and fruits from the Eocene (Thanetian) travertine limestones of Sezanne in
southern France. In the specimens the perianth of the flower is composed of 5
oval sepals, which are valvate in bud, and possess acute apices. Petals are
apparently absent. The stamens and ovary are borne on an androgynophore. There
are five elongated poricidally-dehiscent extrorse tetrasporangiate stamens,
placed alternately to the sepals. The ovary is 5-loculate, the ovules have
axile placentation, and are held horizontally in two rows. There is a single
slender style with a capitate stigma. The fruit is a spherical capsule 1 to 2
cm in diameter. It is loculicidally dehiscent. Leaves recorded under the name
of Pterospermites inaequifolius may belong to this species.
Two species are described from the Sezanne deposits -
Sezanella major and Sezanella minor.
A similar (but presumably 7-loculate) fruit has been recorded
from the Upper Cretaceous Magothy Fm of Maryland, under the name Carpolithus
septloculus. This however is an elongated capsule, with at least a
superficial resemblance to Fremontodendron.
See also Intratriporopollenites.
The limes or lindens, genus Tilia, have a pollen record
extending as far back as the middle Palaeocene, and a macrofossil record dating
from the Eocene. The earliest records are from western North America, which,
oddly, is one of the two northern temperate deciduous forest regions (the other
is the Himalayas) from which TIlia is absent. A considerable number of
fossil species have been described, but although the inflorescence bracts of
Tilia are distinctive, most fossil species of Tilia are described from
other material, and not all those species are correctly assigned to this genus
(e.g Tilia gieskei is Craigia bronnii). The fossil range of
Tilia is more extensive than that of the living species; apart from
western North America it is also found in high latitude localities such as
Alaska, Beringia, Kamchataka, etc, where it was a member of the ArctoTertiary
Flora, and it has also been recorded from Tibet.
Bracts similar to the living species Tilia endochyrsea,
i.e. with the peduncle only fused to the extreme base of the bract, are widely
distributed in the Tertiary of western North America (late Eocene to Miocene)
and Europe (early Miocene to Pliocene). Bracts similar to the other modern
species, i.e. with the peduncle fused to the basal third of the bract, are
known from the middle and late Tertiary of Asia and from the Pliocene of
Europe. A third type, with orbicular bracts, is shown by the fossil Tilia
- Tilia alaskana Heer is recorded from the Miocene Kenai Fm of
- Tilia arborea Faujas
- Tilia antiqua Newberry is recorded from the Tertiary Fort Union Fm
of North Dakota. This has subsequently been reclassified as Viburnum
- Tilia aspera (Newberry) LaMotte, from the Miocene of Nevada,
northern California, Oregon and Montana, and the Lower Oligocene of Oregon
[2], is reminscent of the living
Tilia mandshurica.
- Tilia beringiana Budantsev, Tilia johnsoni and Tilia
rectinerve are recorded from the Eocene of Kamchatka. The first is also
recorded from the Palaeocene of Kamchatka.
- Tilia brabencii (syn. Tilia lignitum) is recorded from the
Early Miocene of Bohemia. [2]
- Tilia brassicoides is recorded from the Oligocene of Bohemia.
- Tilia carbonensis Wolfe
- Tilia circularis (Chaney) Manchester is recorded from the early
Oligocene of Oregon and Idaho. It has inflorescence bracts with an
orbicular outline and palmate venation, as opposed to the elongate bracts
and pinnate venation of the modern species. [2],[ b]
- Tilia crassipites and Tilia vescipites are recorded from
the Miocene of British Columbia. Tilia crassipites is also recorded
from Alaska. Tilia vescipites is also recorded from the Palaeocene
of Wyoming, and the Palaeocene and Eocene of Colorado [1]. (Tilia crassipites and Tilia vescipites
are species defined on pollen material.)
- Tilia dacica, is recorded from Romania.
- Tilia distans, from the Miocene of Japan and North Korea, has as
an asymmetric leaf, with a truncate base, four basal veins, and a serrate
margin. It is distinguished by the first pair of secondary veins being
relatively distant from the base of the leaf.
- Tilia expansa is recorded from the Miocene (Pannonian) of Austria.
Tilia milleri is also recorded from the Miocene of Austria.
- Tilia fossilensis Manchester & Meyer, Tilia lamottei
Manchester & Meyer and Tilia pedunculata Chaney are recorded
from the Lower Oligocene of Oregon.
- Tilia gigantica is recorded from the Lower and Middle Oligocene of
the Czech Republic.
- Tilia grewioides Hollick is recorded from the Palaeocene to
Miocene of Alaska.
- Tilia hallii is recorded from the Lower Oligocene of Idaho. [b]
- Tilia inaequalis MacGinitie is recorded from the Oligocene of
California and Montana.
- Tilia incerta is recorded from the Pliocene St. Eugene Formation.
- Tilia jacksoniana Berry is recorded from the Eocene Fayette
Formation of Texas.
- Tilia johnsonii Wolfe and Wehr is recorded from the Middle Eocene
of Washington.
- Tilia longebracteata is recorded from the Miocene of Austria and
- Tilia malmgrenii Heer is recorded from the Palaeocene and Lower
Eocene of Spitzbergen.
- Tilia miohenryana is recorded from the Miocene of Japan. It is
presumably similar to the living Tilia henryana.
- Tilia oregona LaMotte is recorded from the Middle Oligocene of
- Tilia parvulifolia H.V. Smith is recorded from the Oligocene or
Miocene of Idaho.
- Specimens close to the living Tilia platyphyllos have been found
in the Late Pliocene of Slovakia, and from the Middle Miocene of northern
- Tilia populifolia Lesquereux is recorded from the Eocene and
Oligocene Florissant Fm of Colorada, and also from Montana.
- Tilia prisca Alx. Braun (=Phyllites populina Brong.)
- Tilia sarmatica Andr. is recorded from Hungary.
- Tilia selardalense is described from the Miocene of Iceland [d].
- Tilia subnobilis is recorded from the Miocene of Alaska.
- Tilia subserratifolia Udvarházi is recorded from Hungary.
- Tilia tetraforaminipites is recorded from the Palaeocene of the
western United States [1].
- Tilia tomentosa is recorded from the Miocene of France [e].
- Tilia tsagajanica is recorded from the Eocene of the Magadan
region of the Russian Far East.
- Tilia tuberculata is recorded from the Middle Pliocene of
- TIlia vindobonensis is recorded from the Miocene of Austria.
- Tilia williamsii Sanborn is recorded from the Oligocene Scio Fm of
- Tilia eojapanica Endo is recorded from the Eocene of Hokkaido. [7]
- Tilia harutoriensis Oishi & Huzioka is recorded from the
Oligocene of Hokkaido. This has subsequently been transferred to
Alchornea (Euphorbiaceae). [7]
- Tilia hommashinichii Huzioka & Nishida is recorded from the
Early Miocene of Niigata Prefecture, Honshu. [7]
- Tilia kabutoiwaensis K. Suzuki, Ibe & Ogawa is recorded from
the Late Miocene of Nagano Prefecture, Honshu. [7]
- Tilia kon’noi K. Suzuki is recorded from the Late Miocene of
Fukushima Prefecture, Honshu. [7]
- Tilia maximoviczianoides Oyama is recorded from the Late
Cretaceous of Ibaraki Prefecture, Honshu. [7]
- Tilia meisenensis Huzioka is recorded from the Early Miocene of
Korea. [7]
- Tilia protojaponica Endo is recorded from the Late Miocene of
Akita Prefecture, Honshu. [7]
- Tilia remotiserrata Oishi & Huzioka is recorded from the
Middle Miocene of Sakhalin. [7]
- Tilia ryozenensis K. Suzuki is recorded from the Early Miocene of
Miyagi Prefecture, Honshu [7]
- Tilia sekiensis Huzioka & Nishida is recorded from the Early
Miocene of Niigata Prefecture, Honshu. [7]
- Tilia subnobilis Huzioka is recorded from the Early Miocene of
Korea. [7]
Tilia speciosissima Knowlton, recorded from the
Palaeocene Raton Fm for the southwestern USA, and Tilia weedii Knowlton,
recorded from the Palaeocene, may not belong to Tilia [e]. The latter may be a synonym of Celtis aspera
- "Tilia" antiqua is caprifoliaceous (Viburnum
- "Tilia" cretacea Hollick is recorded from the Late
Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Kaltag Fm, which is to early too represent a
genuine Tilia.
- Tilia gieskei is Cragia bronnii.
- "Tilia" wodehousei is a pollen species recorded from the
latest Cretaceous of Colorado and New Mexico. Its disappearance is one of
the markers of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. [1].
Tilia pollen, unspecified as to species, is reported
from the Oligocene of the southeastern USA.
Other published names include Tilia atavia, Tilia
compacta, Tilia danei, Tilia inserata, Tilia
irtyschensis or irtyshensis, Tilia megacarpa, Tilia
miochinensis, Tilia nezhinoensis, Tilia ovoidea, Tilia
pedunculata, Tilia praeparvifolia, Tilia praeplatyphyllos,
Tilia preamurensis, Tilia pseudinstructa, Tilia vidali,
and Tilia waltheri.
Material referred to Triumfetta is found in Eocene
deposits in Yellowstone.
- Nichols and Fleming, Palynology
and palynostratigraphy of Maastrichtian, Paleocene and Eocene strata in the
Denver Basin, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Geology 37(2): 135-163
- Kvacek et al, Early
Miocene freshwater and swamp ecosystems of the Most Basin (northern
Bohemia) with particular reference to the Bílina Mine section, J.
Czech. Geol. Soc. 49(1-2): (2004)
- Kvacek, Early
Miocene records of Craigia (Malvaceae s.l.) in the Most Basin, North
Bohemia - whole plant approach, Journal of the Czech Geological Society
49(3/4): 161-171 (2004)
- Pan & Jacobs, The earliest
record of the genus Cola (Malvaceae sensu lato:
Sterculioideae) from the Late Oligocene (28–27 Ma) of Ethiopia and leaf
characteristics within the genus, Plant Systematics and Evolution
283(3/4): 247-262 (2009)
- Kvacek Z., Manchester S.R. and Akhmetiev M.A., Review
of the fossil history of Craigia (Malvaceae s.l.) in the Northern
hemisphere basin on fruits and co-occuring foliage, Modern problem of
Palaeofloristics, Palaeophytogeography and Phytostratigraphy. Materials of
the International Palaeobotanical Conference. Vol. 1. M.: GEOS, 82-104
- Manchester, S., Inflorescence
bracts of fossil and extant Tilia in North America, Europe, and
Asia: Patterns of Morphologic Divergence and Biogeographic History,
Amer.J.Bot., 81(9): 1176-118 (1994)
- Noriyuki Ikeya, Hiromichi Hirano & Kenshiro Ogawasara,
database of Japanese fossil type specimens described during the 20th
century (Part 2), Palaeontological Society of Japan Special Paper 40
- H. W. Meyer and S. R. Manchester. The Oligocene Bridge
Creek flora of the John Day Formation, Oregon. University of California
Publications in Geological Sciences 141:1-195 (1997)
- D.I. Axelrod, The Oligocene Haynes Creek Flora of
Eastern Idaho, University of California Publications in Geological Sciences
143: 1-99 (1998)
- Zetter R, Weber M, Hesse M, Pingen M, Pollen,
pollenkitt and orbicules in Craigia bronnii flower buds (Tilioideae,
Malvaceae) from the Miocene of Hambach, Germany, Int. J. Plant Sci.
163: 1067-1071 (2002)
- Grímsson et al, Middle
Miocene floras of Iceland – the early colonization of an island?
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 144(3-4): 181-219 (2007)
- Roiron, Paul, La macroflore d`age Miocene Superieur
des diatomites de Murat. Palaeontographica Abteilung B, 223, 169-203
- Pan & Jacobs, The earliest record of the genus Cola (Malvaceae sensu lato: Sterculioideae) from the Late Oligocene (28?27 Ma) of Ethiopia and leaf characteristics within the genus, Plant Systematics and Evolution 283(3/4): 247-262 (2009)
- Meyer, Herbert W. & Steven R. Manchester, The Oligocene Bridge Creek Flora of the John Day Formation, Oregon, University of California Publications in Geological Sciences 141:1-195 (1997)
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© 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2018 Stewart R. Hinsley