Index to Vernacular Names of Malvaceae - Chewa/Nyanja
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Index to Vernacular Names
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- (mt)sonkwe
Hibiscus cannabinus L.
- chikande
Triumfetta tomentosa Bojer
- khatambuzi
Triumfetta annua L.
- limanda
Hibiscus acetosella Welw. ex Hiern
- matitidza
Triumfetta amuletum Sprague
- matodo
Thespesia garckeana F.Hoffm.
- mchiu
Dombeya rotundifolia Planch.
- mpala
Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq.
- mtowi
Thespesia garckeana F.Hoffm.
- mtsonkwe
Hibiscus physaloides Krapov. & Fryxell
- nadawa
Dombeya rotundifolia Planch.
- nchiu
Dombeya rotundifolia Planch.
- nkhwekwe
Hibiscus physaloides Krapov. & Fryxell
- ntowo
Thespesia garckeana F.Hoffm.
- nyame
Triumfetta welwitschii
- thelele thengo
Hibiscus physaloides Krapov. & Fryxell