Malvaceae Info
Synonymy index
Explanation of Descriptions
Species and infraspecific taxa
Abroma mariae Mart. is a synonym of Herrania mariae Goudot
Abroma nitida Poepp. & Endl. is a synonym of Herrania nitida (Poepp.) R.E. Schult.
Brotobroma aspera Karst. & Triana is a nomenclatural synonym of Herrania aspera
Bubroma crinitum Steud. is a synonym of Guazuma crinita Mart.
Bubroma grandiflorum (H.B.K.) Spreng. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Bubroma grandiflorum Willd. ex Steud. is a synonym of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K.Schum.
Bubroma guasuma Willd. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Bubroma invira Willd. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Bubroma polybotryum Willd. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Bubroma tomentosum Spreng. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Bubroma ulmifolia (Lam.) Oken is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Cacao bicolor Poir. is a synonym of Theobroma bicolor Humb. & Bonpl.
Cacao guianensis Aubl. is a synonym of Theobroma subincanum Mart.
Cacao minus Gaertn. is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Cacao sativa Aubl. is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Cacao sylvestris Aubl. is a synonym of Theobroma subincanum Mart.
Cacao theobroma Tussac is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Deltonea lactea Peckolt is a synonym of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K.Schum.
Diuroglossum rufescens Turcz. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Glossostemon bruguieri Desf. is an accepted taxon
Guazuma blumei G.Don is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma bubroma Tussac is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma coriacea Rusby is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma crinita Mart. is an accepted taxon
Guazuma critina Steud. is an orthographic variant of Guazuma crinita Mart.
Guazuma grandiflora (Spreng.) G.Don is a synonym of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K.Schum.
Guazuma guazuma (L.) Cockerell is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma guazuma Kuntze is of unknown status
Guazuma guazuma var. tomentosa (Kunth) Kuntze is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma guazuma var. ulmifolia (Lam.) Kuntze is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma invira G.Don. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma longipedicellata Freytag is an accepted taxon
Guazuma parvifolia A.Rich. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma polybotrya Cav. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma rosea Poepp. & Endl. is a synonym of Guazuma crinita Mart.
Guazuma tomentosa Kunth is a taxonomic synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma tomentosa var. cumanensis G.Don is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma tomentosa var. monpoxensis G.Don is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma tomentosa var. parvifolia Kitan. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. is an accepted taxon
Guazuma ulmifolia Wall. is of unknown status
Guazuma utilis Poepp. & Endl. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Herrania albiflora Goudot is an accepted taxon
Herrania albiflora f. titanica R.E.Schult. is of unknown status
Herrania aspera (Triana) Karst. is a synonym of Herrania nitida (Poepp.) R.E. Schult.
Herrania atrorubens Huber is of unknown status
Herrania balaensis Preuss is an accepted taxon
Herrania breviligulata R.E.Schult. is an accepted taxon
Herrania camargoana R.E.Schult. is an accepted taxon
Herrania cuatrecasana Garc.-Barr. is an accepted taxon
Herrania dugandii Garc.-Barr. is an accepted taxon
Herrania guianensis Sagot is a synonym of Theobroma velutinum Benoist
Herrania guyanensis Sagot ex Chev. is an orthographic variant of Herrania guianensis
Herrania kanukuensis R.E.Schult. is an accepted taxon
Herrania kofanorum R.E.Schult. is an accepted taxon
Herrania laciniifolia Goudot ex Triana & Planch. is an accepted taxon
Herrania lemniscata (M.R.Schomb.) R.E.Schult. is an accepted taxon
Herrania mariae Goudot is an accepted taxon
Herrania mariae var. putumayonis R.E.Schult. is of unknown status
Herrania nitida (Poepp.) R.E. Schult. is an accepted taxon
Herrania nitida var. aspera (H.Karst. & Triana) R.E.Schult. is a nomenclatural synonym of Herrania aspera
Herrania nitida var. sphenophylla R.E.Schult. is of unknown status
Herrania nycterodendron R.E.Schult. is an accepted taxon
Herrania pacifica Cuatrec. may be a synonym of Herrania pulcherrima
Herrania pulcherrima Goudot is an accepted taxon
Herrania pulcherrima var. pacifica R.E.Schult. is of unknown status
Herrania purpurea (Pittier) R.E. Schult. is an accepted taxon
Herrania tomentella R.E.Schult. is an accepted taxon
Herrania umbratica R.E.Schult. is an accepted taxon
Lightia lemniscata Schomb. is a nomenclatural synonym of Herrania lemniscata (M.R.Schomb.) R.E.Schult.
Sapokaia brasiliensis Rich. is a synonym of Theobroma speciosum Willd.
Theobroma alba Bernoulli is a synonym of Licania alba
Theobroma alba Ruiz, Pav.apud Lopez & Cuatrec. is of unknown status Theobroma subincanum Mart.
Theobroma albiflorum (Goudot) De Wild. is a nomenclatural synonym of Herrania albiflora Goudot
Theobroma angustifolia ex DC. is of unknown status
Theobroma angustifolium Moc. & Sessé is an accepted taxon
Theobroma asclepiadiflorum Schery is a synonym of Theobroma bernouillii
Theobroma aspera Karst. & Triana is a synonym of Herrania nitida (Poepp.) R.E. Schult.
Theobroma augusta L. is a synonym of Abroma augustum
Theobroma balaensis (Preuss) De Wild. is a nomenclatural synonym of Herrania balaensis Preuss
Theobroma bernouillii Pittier is an accepted taxon
Theobroma bicolor Humb. & Bonpl. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma cacao L. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma cacao var. leiocarpa (Bernouilli) Ciferri is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma cacao f. leiocarpa (Bernouilli) Ducke is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma cacao ssp. leiocarpum (Bernouilli) Cuatrec. is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma cacao ssp. pentagona (Bernouilli) León is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma cacao ssp. sativa León is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma cacao var. typica Ciferri is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma calodesmis Diels is a synonym of Theobroma glaucum H.Karst.
Theobroma camargoanum (R.E.Schult.) Ducke is a nomenclatural synonym of Herrania camargoana R.E.Schult.
Theobroma canumanense Pires & Fróes is an accepted taxon
Theobroma capilliferum Cuatrec. is a synonym of Theobroma bernouillii
Theobroma caribaea Sweet is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma celtifolia Salisb. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Theobroma chocoense Cuatrec. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma cirmolinae Cuatrec. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma cordata Ruiz, Pav.apud Lopez & Cuatrec. is a synonym of Theobroma bicolor Humb. & Bonpl.
Theobroma digitata Ruiz & Pav. is of unknown status
Theobroma ferruginea Bernoulli is a synonym of Theobroma subincanum Mart.
Theobroma gileri Cuatrec. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma glaucum H.Karst. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K.Schum. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma guazuma L. is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Theobroma guianensis (Aubl.) J.F.Gmel. is a synonym of Theobroma subincanum Mart.
Theobroma guianensis Chevalier is a synonym of Theobroma speciosum Willd.
Theobroma guyanensis Voigt is of unknown status
Theobroma hastata A.Chev. is a synonym of Herrania nitida (Poepp.) R.E. Schult.
Theobroma huazuma Ruiz & Pav. is of unknown status
Theobroma hylaeum Cuatrec. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma integerrima Stokes is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma kalagua De Wild. is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma laciniifolium (Goudot ex Triana & Planch.) De Wild. is a nomenclatural synonym of Herrania laciniifolia Goudot ex Triana & Planch.
Theobroma leiocarpa Bernoulli is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma macrantha Bernoulli is a synonym of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K.Schum.
Theobroma mammosum Cuatrec. & Jorge León is an accepted taxon
Theobroma mariae (Mart.) K.Schum. is a synonym of Herrania mariae Goudot
Theobroma martiana D.Dietr. is of unknown status
Theobroma martii K.Schum. is a synonym of Theobroma sylvestre Mart.
Theobroma microcarpum Mart. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma montana Goudet ex Bernoulli is of unknown status
Theobroma nemorale Cuatrec. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma nitida Bernoulli is a synonym of Theobroma sylvestre Mart.
Theobroma nitida K.Schum. is a synonym of Herrania nitida (Poepp.) R.E. Schult.
Theobroma obovatum Klotzsch ex Bernoulli is an accepted taxon
Theobroma ovatifolia Moç. & Sessé ex DC. is a synonym of Theobroma ovatifoloa
Theobroma pentagona Bernoulli is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma pulcherrimum (Goudot) De Wild. is a synonym of Herrania pulcherrimma
Theobroma purpureum Pittier is a synonym of Herrania purpurea (Pittier) R.E. Schult.
Theobroma quinquenervia Bernoulli is a synonym of Theobroma speciosum Willd.
Theobroma sagittata Pav. ex A.Chev. is a synonym of Herrania nitida (Poepp.) R.E. Schult.
Theobroma salzmanniana Bernoulli is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma sapidum Pittier is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma sativa (Aubl.) Lignier & Bey is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma sativa var. leucosperma Chevalier is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma sativa var. melanosperma Chevalier is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma silvestre Spruce is a synonym of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K.Schum.
Theobroma simiarum Donn.Sm. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma sinuata Ruiz, Pav.apud Lopez & Cuatrec. is an orthographic variant of Theobroma sinuatum
Theobroma sinuosum Pav. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma speciosum Willd. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma speciosum Mart. is a synonym of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K.Schum.
Theobroma speciosum Uittien is a synonym of Theobroma velutinum Benoist
Theobroma speciosum var. coriaceum Huber is a synonym of Theobroma speciosum Willd.
Theobroma speciosum var. quinquenervia (Bernouilli) Schum. is a synonym of Theobroma speciosum Willd.
Theobroma speciosum var. spruceana (Bernouilli) Schum. is a synonym of Theobroma sylvestre Mart.
Theobroma sphaerocarpum A.Chev. is a synonym of Theobroma cacao L.
Theobroma spruceana Bernoulli is a synonym of Theobroma sylvestre Mart.
Theobroma stipulatum Cuatrec. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma subincana Spruce ex Sagot is of unknown status
Theobroma subincanum Mart. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma sylvestre Mart. is an accepted taxon
Theobroma sylvestre Huber is a synonym of Theobroma obovatum Klotzsch ex Bernoulli
Theobroma sylvestris (Aubl.) G.Don is a synonym of Theobroma subincanum Mart.
Theobroma sylvestris Aubl. ex Mart. is of unknown status
Theobroma sylvestris Baill. is of unknown status
Theobroma tessmannii Mildbr. is a synonym of Theobroma sinuosum Pav.
Theobroma tomentosa (Kunth) Gómez is a synonym of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.
Theobroma undulata Pav. ex A.Chev. is a synonym of Theobroma sinuosum Pav.
Theobroma velutinum Benoist is an accepted taxon
Tribroma bicolor O.F.Cook is a synonym of Theobroma bicolor Humb. & Bonpl.
© 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Stewart R. Hinsley