The tribe Malveae is a division of subfamily Malvoideae of the angiosperm family Malvaceae. It appears to be a well defined group, characterised by absence of staminodes (which are reduced to apical teeth terminating the staminal column elsewhere in Malvoideae), by a schizocarpous fruit (except in Plagianthus, Bastardia and Bastardiopsis), and by the number of branches of the style equalling the number of carpels. (The capsular fruit of Plagianthus might be homologous to a mericarp in other genera of Malveae, arising by reduction of the number of mericarps to 1, rather than to the capsule of Hibisceae and Gossypieae. This is supported by the asymmetrical nature of the capsule.) Malveae has about 1000 species, in 71 currently recognised genera.
Historically the phylogeny of Malveae has been poorly known. Many traits have been used in classification, such as the base chromosome count, whether the schizocarp is capitate or verticillate, whether an epicalyx is present or absent, whether the stigmas are capitate or decurrent, whether the mericarps are dehiscent or indehiscent, whether the mericarps are single or multi-celled, or whether the mericarp cells are single or multi-seeded. The classification obtained depends on the weight given to the individual traits.
I had been investigating the phylogeny myself by combining published DNA sequences, for the internally transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and 5.8s RNA loci of the nuclear ribosomal DNA,from the relatively large ITS (nuclear ribosomal DNA) data set for Malveae available at EMBL, arising from several independent studies, but this has been mostly superceded by a paper by Tate el al [3] combining several of those studies and adding additional sequences filling in most of the gaps in coverage. The description given here follows that paper.
Historically Malveae has been divided into several tribes. Three genera - Malope, Kitaibelia and Palaua - were placed in the tribe Malopeae, on the basis of bearing capitate, rather than verticillate, schizocarps. The remaining genera have sometimes been divided between 2 tribes – Malveae and Abutileae – or between 2 or 3 subtribes within Malveae sensu lato. (The subtribes would be Malvinae, Abutilinae and Sidinae, but can be found in older literature as (Eu)Malvae, Abutileae and Sideae.) Malvinae was distinguished from Abutilinae and Sidinae by the presence of decurrent as opposed to apical stigmas, and Abutilinae from Sidinae by the possession of multi-ovular carpels. Kearney introduced a subtribe Corynabutilinae for those genera with bilaterally decurrent stigmas (Corynabutilon and Neobaclea), in which he was followed by Hutchinson [4]. Asa Gray suggested a subtribe Plagianthinae for Plagianthus and related genera.
These divisions are not supported by DNA sequence data. Malopeae is nested within Malveae, and is polyphyletic. Abutilinae, with or without Sidinae, is also polyphyletic, or at best paraphyletic.
The Malveae is also divided informally into smaller groups of genera, or alliances. The alliances given in Kubitzki and Bayer [1], based on earlier work by Bates (1968), Bates and Blanchford (1970), and Fryxell (1988, 1997), and their contents, are as follows.
Abutilon alliance: Neobaclea,
Corynabutilon, Tetrasida, Hochreutinera, Abutilon,
Pseudabutilon, Allowissadula, Wissadula,
Bastardiastum, Bastardia, Herissantia,
Bastardiopsis, Robinsonella, Akrosida, Dendrosida,
Allosidastrum, Rhynchosida, Krapovickasia, Malvella, Meximalva,
Sidastrum and Sida.
Batesimalva alliance: Batesimalva, Horsfordia,
Briquetia, Fryxellia and Bakeridesia.
Malacothamnus alliance: Phymosia, Malacothamnus,
Neobrittonia and Iliamna.
Kearnemalvastrum alliance: Kearnemalvastrum.
Malvastrum alliance: Malvastrum.
Sphaeralcea alliance: Sphaeralcea, Tarasa, Fuertesimalva, Calyculogygas,
Monteiroa, Calyptraemalva,
Napaea, Eremalche,
Sidasodes, Acaulimalva,
Palaua and Nototriche.
Modiola alliance: Modiola and
Gaya alliance: Gaya, Cristaria and
Anoda alliance: Anoda and Periptera.
Malope alliance: Malope and Kitaibelia.
Anisodontea alliance: Anisodontea.
Malva alliance:
Alcea, Althaea, Malva, Lavatera.
Sidalcea alliance: Callirhoe and Sidalcea.
alliance: Hoheria, Lawrencia, Plagianthus, Gynatrix and Asterotrichion.
Within the Malvaceae Pages I retain a division into subtribes Malvinae and Abutilinae, but with different bounds to the classical definitions. The Abutilinae contains the Abutilon, Gaya, Anoda, Plagianthus and Batesimalva alliances. The Malvinae contains the Malacothamnus, Malvastrum, Kearnemalvastrum, Sphaeralcea, Modiola, Malope, Anisodontea, Malva and Sidalcea alliances.
Abutilinae lack an epicalyx (except for Malvella), and have bilaterally decurrent (Corynabutilon, Neobaclea) or capitate stigmas. However these characteristics are insufficient to define the group, as secondary loss of the epicalyx has also occurred several times in Malvinae, and capitate stigmas is an ancestral trait also retained in many taxa in Malvinae. Pendulous ovules are also characteristic of the Abutilinae, but are also found in pluri-ovulate species of Anisodontea.
The Plagianthus alliance, combined with the South American genus Sidasodes and 2 species of Sida, forms the basal lineage in Abutlinae, and is the strongest candidate for recognnition as another sub-tribe. (Asa Gray suggested a sub-tribe Plagiantheae – Plagianthinae in modern orthography – to hold the genera of the Plagianthus alliance, and elsewhere the family Phillipodendreae (Phillipodendraceae) was introduced, presumably for these genera.) They differ in having the style divided for the greater part of its length, and hence also in having a short staminal column. However they agree with Abutilinae in lacking an epicalyx and in having pendulous ovules.
The following observations can be made from the work of Tate et al [3]
The following other observations can be made.
I propose the following revised set of alliances :-
Plagianthus alliance: Hoheria, Lawrencia, Plagianthus, Gynatrix, Asterotrichion,
Sidasodes, and sections Hookerianae and Pseudonapaea of
Cristaria alliance: Cristaria and Leconophora.
Abutilon alliance: Neobaclea,
Corynabutilon, Tetrasida, Hochreutinera, Abutilon,
Pseudabutilon, Allowissadula, Wissadula,
Bastardiastum, Bastardia, Herissantia,
Bastardiopsis, Robinsonella, Akrosida, Dendrosida,
Allosidastrum, Rhynchosida, Krapovickasia, Malvella, Meximalva,
Sidastrum, Sida, Batesimalva, Horsfordia,
Briquetia, Fryxellia and Bakeridesia, Anoda,
Periptera, Neobrittonia, Gaya, Bordasia and
Malva alliance: Malva, Lavatera and Malope
Althaea alliance: Althaea, Alcea and Kitaibelia
Callirhoe alliance: Callirhoe and Napaea
Sidalcea alliance: Sidalcea and Eremalche
Anisodontea alliance: Anisodontea.
Sphaeralcea alliance: Sphaeralcea, Tarasa, Andeimalva, Fuertesimalva, Calyculogygas,
Monteiroa, Calyptraemalva,
Palaua and Nototriche.
Modiola alliance: Modiola and
Malacothamnus alliance: Phymosia, Malacothamnus and
Kearnemalvastrum alliance: Kearnemalvastrum.
Malvastrum alliance: Malvastrum.